swab - определение. Что такое swab
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Что (кто) такое swab - определение

Swabs; Swab (disambiguation)

/swob/ The PDP-11 swap byte instruction mnemonic, as immortalised in the dd option "conv=swab". 1. To solve the NUXI problem by swapping bytes in a file. 2. The program in V7 Unix used to perform this action, or anything functionally equivalent to it. See also big-endian, little-endian, middle-endian, bytesexual. [Jargon File]
(swabs, swabbing, swabbed)
A swab is a small piece of cotton wool used by a doctor or nurse for cleaning a wound or putting a substance on it.
If you swab something, you clean it using a wet cloth or a tool called a mop.
I noticed a lone man in the cafeteria swabbing the floor as I passed.
·noun An Epaulet.
II. Swab ·noun A cod, or pod, as of beans or pease.
III. Swab ·noun To clean with a mop or swab; to wipe when very wet, as after washing; as, to swab the desk of a ship.
IV. Swab ·noun A kind of mop for cleaning floors, the desks of vessels, ·etc., ·esp. one made of rope-yarns or threads.
V. Swab ·noun A sponge, or other suitable substance, attached to a long rod or handle, for cleaning the bore of a firearm.
VI. Swab ·noun A bit of sponge, cloth, or the like, fastened to a handle, for cleansing the mouth of a sick person, applying medicaments to deep-seated parts, ·etc.



Swab may refer to:

  • Nasopharyngeal swab
  • Cotton swab
  • A nautical term for a yarn mop
    • By extension, a low-ranking sailor
Примеры произношения для swab
1. having a little swab of fluid going
The Dirt Cure _ Maya Shetreat-Klein _ Talks at Google
2. They did a test, a swab.
Opt Art - From Mathematical Optimization to Visual Design _ Prof. Robert Bosch _ Talks at Google
3. We need a swab of DNA
4. If I were to take a swab off your teeth
5. I could even take a buckle swab of your mouth,
David Sinclair _ Why We Age and Why We Don't Have To _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для swab
1. First, a cotton bud swab is taken from the inside of the mouth.
2. He was forced to pose for photographs, provide a DNA swab and fingerprints.
3. Had he been a racehorse, the stewards would have been calling for a swab.
4. Doctors there discovered the surgical swab and the girl underwent a six–hour emergency surgery.
5. A DNA mouth swab test was carried out on Mr Karr in Bangkok.